reiki master training
By Permission Only.
Pre-requisites: REIKI I and II.
Reiki Master is the highest level in the traditional Usui Reiki System. Reiki levels I and II must be completed before this class can be taken. It is recommended that a Reiki II practioner wait at least a year before beginning this intensive course of study.
The following will be covered in this class:
The Usui Master Attunement
The Usui Master Symbol
Two Tibetan Symbols that are used for advanced healing and attunements
How to make a Reiki Grid (using crystals with Reiki)
Psychic Surgery Techniques
Guided meditations
Instruction and practice on giving attunements for all levels of Reiki
Working with a Reiki Crystal Grid
The on-going spiritual life of a Reiki Master
This class is takes place over two or three days. There is guidance that will continue, if the student desires, over the course of a year.