reiki training
Reiki I Topics:
Historical background of Reiki
In depth definition of what Reiki is and what it can do
The hand positions to treat self and others
The Reiki I attunement
Using Reiki to cure specific conditions
Basics of the energy body and detailed study of the Chakras
Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui including:
Gassho meditation,
Byosen Scanning – detecting where Reiki is needed,
Gyoshi ho – sending Reiki with the eyes,
Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki,
Kenyoku – dry bathing or clearing ones energy field,
Jacki-kiri Joka-ho, clearing objects of negative energy.
This class is approximately 6-8 hours long, usually over the course of 2 days.
Reiki II Topics:
More in depth study of Chakras and energy anatomy
The Reiki II symbols and how to use them in healing self and others
Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits, manifest desires
The Reiki II attunement
Guided meditation
Distance Healing
Creating sacred space
Working with Reiki and Crystals
The class is approximately 6-8 hours long, usually over the course of 2 days.
It should also be noted that the Reiki classes I teach tend to be a bit longer than many. This is because they are much more detailed, comprehensive, and ‘advanced’ than other typical Reiki trainings. In Reiki, with each attunement the ‘healer is made’. It is for that reason that I believe one, even at the most basic level, should be taught more than just the basics of Reiki. The energy body, ethics, monetary considerations, what healing is and the alchemy of healing are essential to the training as well.